Tuesday, November 26, 2019


THE RETIREMENT CRISIS Example THE RETIREMENT CRISIS – Coursework Example The Retirement Crisis By definition, a crisis is a situation of great danger or difficulty that involves an imminent critical change. Concerning the contemporary society, there is a retirement crisis. Steve Skvara, a retired electrical steelworker from Union Township, Indiana, significantly highlighted the gravity of the issue facing all Americans. Skrava mentioned healthcare for every person, and justice to workers who lose their benefits in corporate liquidation, and retirement security for seniors, as critical areas that require scrutiny to deal with the retirement crisis. A number of unsung heroes in the country undergo the brunt of the retirement crisis. It is quite unfortunate that retirees cannot afford healthcare for their families. Obamacare largely resulted from Skrava’s voice, and other retirees that are in a crisis. There is need for legislation to ensure retirees still enjoy their benefits even if a company runs bankrupt. This is achievable through institution of policies to ensure retirement security for seniors. Skrava blames the federal government for the loss of his pension, but at the same time, retirees must safeguard themselves from impending problems in future. Mr. Skrava is a symbol of the retirement crisis that affects all Americans. As an electrical worker in the manufacturing industry, he should have foreseen and saved adequately for his future. The 21st century is more of a technological economy than the 20th century that was an industrial economy. It is necessary for workers to adapt to such changes, and maybe even have two jobs. America is a cannibalistic society in which only the smartest survive, and those who whine demise. One cannot sit down and simply wait for the government to assure them of their pensions or harass bankrupt companies to care for their retirees.

Friday, November 22, 2019

SAT Admission Requirements The Importance of the SAT

SAT Admission Requirements The Importance of the SAT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’re currently applying to college or getting ready to apply to college, you’ve probably heard of the SAT and/or the ACT.You may already know thatthe SAT is a standardized test which high school students take before applying to college, but how important is the SAT in college applications? It’s hard to overstate the importance of the SAT. Your testscore will beone of themost important partsof your college application (if not themost important part). In this guide, I'll explain why test scores are a key part of your application and how you can determine the SAT admission requirements for the schools you're interested in. Why Is the SAT Important to Colleges? There are two main reasons for the importance of the SAT to colleges. Let's go through them one at a time. #1: Your SAT Score Is How Colleges Compare You to Other Applicants from Around the Globe. Applicants to one university will come from different backgrounds, will have attended different high schools, will have taken different classes, will have done different extracurricular activities, but all applicants will have taken the SAT and/or ACT (at least at non-test optional schools). Your SAT score reveals whether your GPA and transcript are accurate representations of your academic ability. Admissions officers use your SAT/ACT score to figure out if your grades were inflated or not. If you have a 4.0 GPA with a perfect 1600 SAT score, admissions officers will likely be impressed and think your GPA is reflective of your academic potential.If you have a 4.0 GPA with 1000 SAT score, admissions officers may think your grades were inflated and that your SAT score is a better representation of your academic potential. A high SAT score can also make up for a lower GPA.If you have a 3.0 GPA with a perfect 1600 score, a college admissions officer may be willing to overlook your GPA and consider your SAT score as an indication that you’re college ready. #2: Colleges Are Judged by Their SAT Score Ranges The SAT is important to colleges becausethey use it tojudge your academic preparedness for college. However, it's also important to colleges because if you're admitted, your SAT score will be incorporated into their yearly SAT statistics. Each year, universities publish their freshman admissions profile (see an example of Princeton's freshman admissions profile).In this profile, collegesprovide the data on admitted students.The data includes either the 25th/75th percentile SAT/ACT scores (sometimes referred to as the middle 50%) or the average SAT/ACT scores of admitted students. However, usually, the 25th/75th percentile is provided instead of average score.The 25th percentile score means that 25% of admitted students scored at or below that score (and therefore 75% of admitted students scored above).The 75th percentile score means that 75% of admitted students scored at or below that score (and therefore 25% of admitted students scored above).The average score is just what it sounds like, an average of all the admitted students scores. The public judges this data to perceive the selectivity of the school (the higher the range, the more competitive or â€Å"better† the public thinks the school is).When you think of Ivy League schools such as Harvard, UPenn, Columbia, you likely think, "Wow those are good schools!" Why do you think they are good schools? You might think of their alumni or campuses. However, many lower ranked schools such as Denison have beautiful campuses with famous alumni like billionaire Michael Eisner. You might think of their low admissions rates, but there are othercolleges with comparable admissions rates tothe Ivies. The mainreason you associate Harvard, Stanford and other top colleges with prestige is because of their published SAT score ranges and their ranking. When doing research on applying to colleges, you likely came across the US News World Report ranking of US colleges.Every year, US News World Report assembles their rankings based on several categories including the SAT scores of admitted students.If you’re admitted to the school, your SAT score will be factored into that school’s overall national ranking in US News World Report. Top colleges such as Harvard, Yale, and Stanford want your SAT scores to be agood so that it reflects well on them. Even "second tier schools" such as Vanderbilt, USC, and Emory care about thisbecause they hope to continue to rise in theUS News World Reportrankings. Don't be blinded bybeauty or rankings! Find the right school for you! What Does This Mean for You? Because colleges rely so heavily on SAT scores in their college admissions process, you want to make sure that you have an SAT score that fits their expectations. How do you figure out what that theirscore expectation is? Remember, those score percentiles I mentioned earlier?As a brief refresher, colleges publish an admissions profile every year that shows either the 25th/75th percentile SAT/ACT scores (sometimes referred to as the middle 50%) or the average SAT/ACT scores of admitted students. Admissions officers use this data as the standard for the students they admit.Colleges willbe looking for applicantswho are in or above this range (or at or above the average). That way colleges are always getting the same or better caliber student (to either stay the same or increase their rankings). At PrepScholar, we recommend trying to get your score at or above the 75th percentile score for your target school to give yourself the best chance of admission. How To Find Out a College's SAT AdmissionRequirements? I’d recommend reading our guide to finding your SAT score for your target school first. However, the simple route is to Google Search for â€Å"[College Name] SAT PrepScholar.†That will bring you to our admissions page for your target school. You will find the average SAT score, along with the 25th/75th percentile SAT scores of admitted students, and you’ll be able to use our nifty admissions calculator to determine your chances of getting into that school based on your GPA and current SAT score. Take note of the 75th percentile SAT score listed onour admissions page for your target school. That should be your target SAT score. You can do it! What Can You Do To Improve Your SAT Score? Now that you’ve found out your target score, what can you do to reach it?If you have not prepared for the SAT, you need to. Start with our complete SAT study guide. If you’ve prepared but are still seeing no improvement, consider switching up your strategy. We’ve prepared many great SAT strategy guides. Read them hereand make sure you’re trying to incorporate some of these strategies. NOTE: not all strategies will work for all test-takers. Try out some on your practice tests. Try to figure out what works for you and what doesn't work for you. If you’ve tried all of the strategies and are still seeing no improvement, you should consider hiring a tutor or trying PrepScholar’s program.Don’t sweat! With the appropriate amount of time and effort dedicated, you should be able to reach your score. In a hurry? Check out our SAT 10-day cramming guide. What’s Next? Not sure where you’d like to go to college? Figure out how to find your target school. Worried about the rest of your college application? We’ll help you write a great personal statement and get excellent letters of recommendation. Still not sure whether the SAT or ACT is right for you? Let’s help you pick the right test for you! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discuss your most significnt cdemic or personl chievement Essay

Discuss your most significnt cdemic or personl chievement - Essay Example I succeeded to mintin multi-tsk ctivity nd m especilly proud to hve 4.00 grde point verge tht ultimtely llowed me to grdute s sluttorin. I hve lwys enjoyed school nd clsses nd tried to tke s much s it ws possible from every single lesson. I m n ctive student on clsses; I lwys tke n inititive when it comes to nswering techer's questions on regulr clsses or helping other students to keep up with some subjects. Besides cdemic excellence, I try to succeed in the theter production tht occupies the min prt of my extr-curriculr ctivities. I m currently plying led in "You're good mn Chrlie Brown". This role tkes lot of efforts, but I do like plying. My school, prt-time job nd service job leve little time to lern the scenrio tht is why I hve to be relly efficient if I wnt to succeed in the ply nd to mintin my led position. I m therefore continuously performing under strict dedlines nd cn be esily given to stress. However, I mnge my time nd ll tsks ccording to set priority nd time of delivery. In my thetricl performnce it is lso worth mentioning Sn Frncisco By re productions where I prticipted since the ge of three. I hve therefore completed over fifty productions. My chievements in theter lso include three rewrds for the best cting in dult legitimte theter. I hve been the Grnd Chmpion in vocls for the Stte of Cliforni during five yers: 2001, 2002, 2003 2004 nd 2006. Not only m I involved with cdemic nd extr curriculr ctivitie... In ddition to my employment I lso continue to volunteer for community service. I ssist in kindergrten clss every Wednesdy. I hve tied shoes; put on nme tgs, sng songs nd helped the children mke pple muffins. I help the techer with lessons, rt projects, supervising during "ply time," testing nd mny other spects of the creer I hope to hve one dy. It is the most rewrding experience t this pointing in my life. I love children. Wtching them grow nd lern is one of my gretest joys. I hve to sy tht from this wide rnge of experiences I hve gined brod bckground of life. I enjoy working with nd for people. I hve lerned from helping students to keep up with some subjects how to explin things in severl different wys nd not to give up until the student truly understnds the mteril. Multi-tsk ctivity helps me to lern to work under the strict dedlines nd to pprecite the time vlue. fter grdution I hope to become n (nme the position tht Morgn would like to hve). I m committed to this gol s is evident by my record of cdemic ccomplishments nd community service. I m convinced tht ll these fctors mke me good cndidte for the honors progrm.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Data Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Data Analysis - Essay Example Every order contains one or more products; therefore, the association between the Purchase order class and Line product class is one or more. However, every product in Purchase order refers to only one product in Product. Therefore, the association between the Line product class and Product class is one to one. There will only one payment detail for every purchase order; therefore, the association between the Purchase order class and Payment detail class will be one to one. Figure 2 shows the relational model (Entity relationship diagram) for National Treasure Online Shop. Additional attributes as password, and email are included in Customer entity assuming that customer will register on website when he/she will make purchase first time so that for the next time the customer will only need to login for making any purchase with the website. PK and FK show the Primary key and foreign key in entity. Figure 3 shows the output of Query 1 that displays the list of product categories for National Treasure Online Shop. When Query 1 is executed, it displays the list of product categories that is Cards, Calendars, Books, and Diaries. This is the first thing that customer visiting on the website is presented on the website home page. Figure 4 shows the output of Query 2 that displays the list of product with product categories for National Treasure Online Shop. This query will be useful for displaying the product list based on product categories. Figure 5 shows the list of the customer visited the National Treasure Online Shop. Query 5 will display the list of the entire customer who had purchased any products or registered to the website as a customer. This query will be useful for selecting customer for any promotional offers or contests. Figure 7 shows the lists of product for any particular order that customer have made with National Treasure Online Shop. Query 5 will display the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Coaching Role Model Essay Example for Free

Coaching Role Model Essay The coaches today at UCLA where all coached by Sue Enquist and all former UCLA players. Well finding as much information as I could on Sue Enquist I used the Google Search Engine typing search terms such as, UCLA Coach Sue Enquist getting 289,000 results with 10 articles pertaining to my topic. More terms that I used were Sue Enquist Softball with that I got 175,000 results with 7 articles some of them being from the search I used from above. Last search term I used was Sue Enquist Coaching Philospohy with 4, 190 results and 4 helpful articles. Most of the articles came from her own personal website that had some videos of her speaking to young softball players sharing her coaching philosophy along knowledge of the game of softball and what makes a champion along with a successful player/person. There were also things that she have said that are very vital to players and coaches. One that I really like was â€Å"Every Champions road is different, but there is a theme that is woven throughout all of them. My goal is to give you the common tools that all champions possess which enables them to master their level of success. I look forward to the opportunity customize your action plan. † Just be reading this quote you can get an idea of what kind of coach she is and it declares why she was so successful as a coach. There was another Website that I came across where other coaches, former players, and friends that she knew had to say about her. John Wooden was one of them and he had said â€Å"It’s the person she is that impresses me the most†. Her former players basically said that she helped them grow as a player, gave them confidence, and they way she ran a team was a way you run your life always using the reference â€Å"when you’re the real world†. When coming across the article of her coaching philosophy was very interesting and it made a lot of sense. That’s how I would want my coaching philosophy similar to hers. Her coaching philosophy is Prepare for the game , love the game, honor the game. When preparing for the game comes dedication and having leadership training to love the struggle that others avoid or hear. That’s when you truly honor your passion. You love the game, learn to respect it and everything else apart of it. In conclusion, Sue Enquist is an inspirational to other coaches and also to young athletes. All in all her one goal is to guide athletes to be the best that they can be and give their 100 percent in life and in sports. I learned a lot of information and learned new things about what it takes to be a good coach.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Social Work Essay -- Papers

Social Work Social work is located within some of the most complex problems and perplexing areas of human experience, and for this reason, social work is, and has to be, a highly skilled activity.† (Trevithick, 2000,p.1) Explain the meaning of this statement, and consider whether it is an adequate definition of the nature of social work. The aim of this assignment is to discuss the interpretation of the statement given above, to analyse this definition and compare it to others that are available and to conclude by discussing whether this is an adequate definition in relation to the nature of social work. In order to fully discuss the statement given by Trevithick it is important to be aware of the history of social work and to observe the changes that have occurred over the centuries. Social work was developed in the late 19th century with the implementation of the Poor Law Report; this led to the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1934. Prior to this date, Charitable Organisations looked after people who were unable to care for themselves, in partnership with the Christian church. It is questionable whether these organisations offered help and support to people in need, or whether they just hid away societies most vulnerable people to take the problem away from the public eye. In a similar way to the 19th century, social work in the 21st century offers support and guidance to vulnerable people. Whereas, the methods used have been developed and improved upon to ensure that the service user is receiving as high a quality of service as poss... ...rs†. Because social work covers such a diverse range of the population and uses such a wide variety of methods this will make it problematic to construct a brief definition that covers all areas involved, as it also has to portray the complexity that is involved with the profession on a day to day basis. This may be why there is such a diverse range of definitions available in relation to the nature of social work. Social work is a profession that changes constantly because there is a great deal of continuous learning involved. Ideas and perspectives change all the time and although the implementation of the new degree will ensure that all social workers deliver a service to as high a standard as possible this is only achievable because of the change in standards put in place by the General Social Care Council.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How Does Marxism Explain the Role of Education in Society?

How does Marxism explain the role of education in society? The sociology of education is the study of how public institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcomes. It is most concerned with the public schooling systems of modern industrial societies, including the expansion of higher, further, adult, and continuing education. Education has always been seen as a fundamentally optimistic human endeavour characterised by aspirations for progress and betterment.It is understood by many to be a means of overcoming handicaps, achieving greater equality and acquiring wealth and social status (Education and Sociology 1992). Education is perceived as a place where children can develop according to their unique needs and potential. It is also perceived as one of the best means of achieving greater social equality. Many would say that the purpose of education should be to develop every individual to their full potential and give them a chance to achieve as much in life a s their natural abilities allow (meritocracy).However some take a particularly negative view, arguing that the education system is designed with the intention of causing the social reproduction of inequality and creating a workforce for society. One of the main sociological approaches that use theory to explain the role of education is Marxism. The Marxist perspective is critical of the educational system, arguing that it is unfair, and serves to coerce people into accepting their â€Å"roles† in an unequal society. The concept of the ‘hidden curriculum’ is key in the understanding of the Marxist perspective.The aim of the hidden curriculum is to socialise young people into accepting the role assigned to them by the capitalist class. It is argued the teachers subconsciously deliver this ‘hidden curriculum’ making pupils aware of the respect and obedience that should be given towards the established organisation [Karl Marx, 1983]. As well as this, sub tle skills such as time keeping and organisation are taught. In introducing these skills from a young age, society will accept them as norms and not question there status in society.The correspondence principle is a theory used by Marxists to explain how much of what we learn in school is preparation for our future roles as workers is in capitalist society. Many sociologists who support this principle argue that education is just a means of maintaining social class boundaries. Many argue that schools in capitalistic societies are geared toward giving children different types of education based solely on their social standing rather than by their inherent skills. Under this principle schools are believed to give lower class children a different type of education compared to their upper class counterparts.Typically, it is said that lower class children are put on an educational track that will prepare them for ‘blue collar’ jobs. It is thought that the education of lower class children is different because it prepares them to enter the work force directly after secondary school. Schooling teaches working class children to sit quietly at their desk, obey the teacher’s authority, and also acquaints them with becoming familiar with repetitive tasks. Similarly, the education of upper class children is thought to be geared toward upper class or ‘white collar’ professions.With upper class children, instead of focusing on preparing them to enter the workforce, there is added emphasis is on preparing them to move on to four year colleges and universities after secondary school. Here they are trained to be professionals and capitalists by teaching them how to think critically and instilling in them a sense of responsibility and authority [Frank M Howell 1982] Louis Althusser was a structural Marxist who, through the influences of Karl Marx, introduced the concept of an ‘ideological state apparatus’.He argued that economic rel ations structure education so as to reproduce these same economic values into teaching. He went on to state that education is part of the system of the reproduction of labour power. Schools work to ensure that those who are to do the work will do so co-operatively, out of the belief that the situation is just and reasonable. From this point of view, the failure of so many pupils in schools is not a failing of the system but actually what the schooling system is designed to do. Working class children, who opt out, fail, or find schools alien, are indications that schooling is working successfully.Thus, education is not designed to develop human potential, but to limit it. The correspondence principle (Bowles and Gintis 1976) takes this point further stating that education introduces the acceptance of hierarchy and motivation by external rewards. For example; teacher says, pupil does; boss says worker does. Hierarchy comes into place in the form of the teachers roles e. g. head, deput y head, head of year, head of department etc. Many pupils are not interested in the subject knowledge they are taught are school, the only reason that have for going to school is to get exam passes i. e. an external reward.This prepares us for the world of work where we do not work for the love of the job but for the wage. Thus what happens at school corresponds to what happens at work. There are several examples present in today’s society that support Marxist theories of education. The introduction of the Youth Training Schemes (YTS) in 1983 [online] is one of these. Known as ‘on-the-job training courses’, these YTS represented ‘working class’ and job specific qualifications for the needs of capitalism. Another example of such schemes are General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQ’s) which are now know as NVQ’s.Such courses are said to favour the working classes as the structure is mainly coursework based. Many of the courses invo lve hands on learning which again, teach the hidden disciplines needed to work for the capitalist society and prepare a skilled work force. The Class biased system of education is shown by league tables and examination results and the principle of student loans represents the way in which the disadvantaged (working classes) are ‘priced’ out of the system. In conclusion of the Marxist perspective, it is clear they take a very critical approach on the education system.The promotion of ruling class ideologies through institutions such as the education system is seen to supress the working classes keeping them conformed to the norms and values of society. The teaching of these values at a young age means fewer questions are likely to be asked and the capitalist society can continue to work as it does, for the benefit of the economy. A second sociological perspective that takes a different view on education is that of functionalism. This is, in contrast to Marxism, a non-con flict approach. Functionalists believe that the education system has three main functions.Firstly it socialises young people into key cultural values such as equality of opportunity, competition and religious morality. Education is said by functionalists (especially Durkheim) to emphasise moral responsibilities in society that people should have towards each other [Education and Sociology 1922]. If these norms were not passed down through generations then there would be a tendency for individualism (where people believe that they are more important than social groups). An example of how education goes about promoting these values is through the subjects that are taught.Citizenship and religious education were introduced as compulsory subjects in schools to see that young people did things with thought for the society. The second function is to do with the skills that education teaches children, from literacy and numeracy to more job-specific skills. Occupational jobs are becoming mo re specialised and this in turn will lead to more years in education. The final function of education, according to functionalists is the allocating of roles of young people in society. Examinations and qualifications are said to allocate people for their most suited job.The equality of opportunity took place and so higher talented people are given the most functionally important jobs for the society. Emile Durkheim is one of the main influential and well known functionalists. He stated that ‘society can survive only if there exists among all its members a sufficient degree of homogeneity; education perpetuates and reinforces this homogeneity by fixing in the child, from the very beginning, the essential similarities that collective life demands’ [Education and Sociology 1922]. Homogeneity is defined as the quality or state of being of the same or similar nature having a uniform structure throughout [online].Durkheim saw sociology as a science and concentrated on the st udy of social facts rather than what motivates the actions of individuals. He argued that education has many functions; to reinforce social solidarity in subjects such as history (learning about individuals who have done good things for the many makes an individual feel insignificant) and through the pledge of allegiance in America (making individuals feel part of a group and therefore less likely to break rules); to maintain social role (school is a society in miniature. It has a similar hierarchy, rules, and expectations to the â€Å"outside world. It trains young people to fulfil roles); and to maintain division of labour (school sorts students into skill groups, encouraging students to take up employment in fields best suited to their abilities) [Education and Sociology 1922]. Although many of these points are similar to that of Marxism, the functionalists look at the positives of such class divisions. Two more perspectives that challenge the views of Marxism are Interactionism and Feminism. Interactionists take a micro approach looking at what happens in the classroom environment, specifically pupil and teacher interaction.They also concentrate on the way teacher expectations and perceptions of pupils can affect the life chances and educational chances of pupils. Whereas Marxists and Functionalists tend to focus on the structural sides to society, interactionists examine the relationships between the education system and the individual. This sociological group place a strong emphasis on labelling theology. Hargreaves, Hester and Mellor (Deviance in Classrooms 1975) studied how pupils became typified and classified. They conducted their study in two schools by interviewing teachers and observing in class.They found that teachers have a limited knowledge about their pupils when they first arrive at school, so they speculate, using the information that they already have, such as the pupils’ appearance, how far they conform to discipline, and their en thusiasm for work. This is elaborated over time until the teacher reaches a stage when they feel â€Å"they know† the pupil. It is therefore a gradual process that changes over time. Through this process the teacher can have an important influence on the progress of their pupils.It can affect the attention and encouragement a pupil can receive. The self-fulfilling prophecy follows on from the stereotyping and subsequent labelling of pupils. This theory argues that predictions made by teachers about the future success or failure of their pupils will tend to come true. The teachers’ interaction with their pupils will be influenced by the labels that they have attached. If a pupil has been labelled by their teacher as a potentially bright student they may receive extra encouragement to attain the higher marks.Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) tested the validity of self-fulfilling prophecy. They discovered that teachers’ expectations could significantly affect their pu pils’ performance The feminist perspectives generally focus on how education promotes patriarchy and a ‘male dominated’ society. There are many different branches within feminism such as liberal, radical and Marxist feminists however they all share the view that the education system is very male orientated and that women are socialised to conform to this dominance thus supressing them.Some of the more radical approaches go as far to say that ‘patriarchy will only end when women are freed from the physical and emotional violence inflicted by men in the classroom and the playground’ [online] In conclusion, the Marxist approach takes a very critical view of the education system arguing that is merely reinforces inequalities in society. They go on to state that in teaching a ‘hidden curriculum’, the system is only in place to create a dominant and trained work force to work for and fit the needs of the capitalist society.From a young age chi ldren begin to be shaped to fit these societal needs and are made to believe that their place in society is already decided for them through norms and values. In conforming to what they believe is normal, societies avoid anomie and complete social collapse as well as keeping the social classes from rising above their stations or asking questions. In contrast to such a negative outlook on the education system, functionalists look at how the teaching of norms and values creates social solidarity where shared beliefs bring together all classes.Interactionists take yet another view exploring the concept of pupil to teacher interaction and how labelling can shape behaviour. Finally, feminists take the view that the education system works in favour of males in giving them a higher status in the economical market thus justifying the suppression of women. References -Bottomore, Tom; Goode, Patrick [1983] ‘Readings in Marxist Sociology’ Clarendon Press (London) -Durkheim, Emile [1895] ‘The Rules of Sociological Method’ 8th edition, trans.Sarah A. Solovay and John M. Mueller, ed. George E. G. Catlin (1938, 1964 edition) -Durkheim, Emile [1956] ‘Education and Sociology’ Macmillan Publishing Co. , inc. & Collier Macmillan Publishers (London) -Howell, Frank M. ; McBroom, Lynn W. (1982), SOCIAL RELATIONS AT HOME AND AT SCHOOL: AN ANALYSIS OF THE CORRESPONDENCE PRINCIPLE, 55, American Sociological Association -http://socyberty. com/education/the-functions-of-education-according-to-functionalists-and-marxists/#ixzz1HN8LoWUv [accessed on 13. 3. 2011] -http://socyberty. com/education/the-functions-of-education-according-to-functionalists-and-marxists/#ixzz1HNLMioDC [accessed on 9. 03. 2011] -http://www. educationforum. co. uk/sociology_2/functionalist. htm [accessed on 9. 03. 2011] -http://www. le. ac. uk/education/resources/SocSci/zoe. html [accessed on 9. 03. 2011] -http://www. marxists. org/glossary/people/a/l. htm [accessed on 9. 03. 2 011] -http://www. thestudentroom. co. uk/showthread. php? t=185151 [accessed on 13. 03. 2011]

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Barack Hussein Obama

Personal Information: Barack Hussein Obama jr. was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. He grew up with his father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., and mother, Stanley Ann Dunham. He went to college first at Occidental college in Los Angeles in 1989, then went to Columbia University, where he graduated in 1983, and finally went to Harvard Law school in 1991, where he met his wife, Michelle Robinson Obama. They had two daughters, Malia Obama and Natasha â€Å"Sasha† Obama. Constitutional Issues: Barack Obama faced many Constitutional Issues during his presidency. One significant issue he faced was in regards to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), also known as Obamacare. Obamacare increases the affordability of healthcare, providing more people with healthcare. It was extremely controversial, with republicans, in general, strongly opposing the reform, and democrats, in general, strongly supporting it. One of the most controversial and central parts of obamacare is that it was required that everyone not receiving healthcare, is required to pay for it, with exceptions for people with enough financial hardships that the insurance would cost more than eight percent of their household income or certain religious groups. This was controversial because there was a tax penalty for all people not exempted, but had remained uninsured, causing the debate over whether or not congress could penalize people for not buying healthcare. In 2012, this debate ended up in the supreme court, with a 5-4 ruling that it was indeed constitutional. Another significant issue Obama faced during his presidency was the Iraq war. In addition to Obamacare, ending the Iraq war is one thing that Obama is widely known for. The war began in March 2003 because the Bush administration believed that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and that Saddam Hussein, Iraq's tyrannical dictator, was housing terrorists. Even from the beginning, Obama opposed the war, though at the time, many people disagreed with him. In August of 2010, Obama announced that the U.S.'s combat mission in Iraq had ended, but the troops were going to stay in order to support the Iraqi soldiers. By June of 2011, 100,000 troops had already left Iraq. Despite Obamacare and the Iraq war being the largest constitutional issues during Barack Obama's presidency, there were a number of other issues. These include when, in February of 2015, Obama spoke to the nation about, and in favor of the prospect of legalizing marijuana, in mid-2015, when same-sex marriage was legalized in the U.S., and First Lady: Michelle Robinson Obama was born on January 17, 1964 in Chicago, Illinois. She always was incredible in school, and even skipped 2nd grade. For college, she went to Princeton University and graduated in 1985. She later entered Harvard Law School and graduated. After graduating from Harvard, Michelle Obama joined the Chicago corporate-law firm of Sidley ; Austin and mentored Barack Obama who was a Harvard law student at the time and had joined the firm as an intern in 1988. She married Barack Obama in 1992 and was quickly plunged into politics. During Barack Obama's presidential campaign, Michelle Obama was a crucial part of their campaigning; touring the country with him, and even sometimes made her own appearances to support him. In addition, Michelle Obama had her own goals and was able to work towards them during her husband's presidency. During Barack Obama's presidency, Michelle Obama fought the epidemic of obesity in America, promoting physical activity and healthy eating. She started the program Let's Move! in February 2010, which encouraged everyone to make healthier changes. Often, she would visit schools and invite children to the white house where they would tend to her vegetable garden in order to promote healthy lifestyles. She traveled to foreign countries with and without the president, with the intent to improve the relationship with those countries. In addition, Michelle Obama and Jill Biden worked together and launched a program that supported the families of military members in April 2011.Summary of Administration: Barack Obama's presidency began in November of 2008 and ended in January of 2017. He had 8 years in office. During those years, he did many notable things. In 2009, Obama was very active. In February of 2009, he signed a $787 billion spending plan to prompt the economy, announced a salary limit of $500,000 for top executives that had requested federal bailouts, and started a $75 billion plan to help 9 million Americans faced with mortgage problems. In May, he made first supreme court nomination, judge Sonia Sotomayor who was the first Latina supreme court justice and third women on the top court. In the summer, after Obamacare was put into effect, it took over media headlines, causing immense controversy. Obama's first act in 2010 was in April, after the explosion of an oil rig in the Gulf of mexico, when he met with victims of the explosion and established a $20 billion fund for the victims. In May Obama ordered 1,200 National Guard troops to enhance security along the U.S.-Mexican Border, and Fired Stanley A. McChrystal, who was the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, and replaced him with David Petraeus. In the late Spring, he gave speeches about the how education is important to the success of America. In August, he spoke to the nation, marking the end of the U.S. combat mission in Iraq.2011 and 2012 were not as eventful as 2009 and 2010. In June of 2011, Obama spoke to the nation, announcing the withdrawal of troops in Afghanistan in July, with 33 thousand people returning home. In May of 2012, he challenged lawmakers to help Americans with mortgage and to create jobs and disclosed his belief that same-sex marriage should be legalized. On December 14, 2012, Obama faced what he called, â€Å"the hardest day of his presidency†. Students and teachers in Newton were attacked by an armed gunman, taking the lives of six adults and twenty children. Obama traveled to newton to publically speak about the tragic event, and privately meet with the families of the victims. On December 31, 2012 the government hit the limit on money allowed to borrow, which left the middle class vulnerable to higher taxes. 2013 began with Obama announcing 23 executive orders about gun control, strengthening all background checks for the purchasing of guns on January 16. His second inauguration, took place on January 21, 2013. On the first of February, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the secretary of state, stepped down and was replaced by Senator John Kerry. In September, Congress failed to raise the national borrowing limit as a result of the debt ceiling that was hit on Dec. 31, 2012. This caused 800,000 government to be forced to take a leave of absence, essentially shutting down the government. As a result of this, republican leaders demanded the defund of obamacare, a demand that obama refused to negotiate with. After 16 days, republicans gave in to president obama, allowing temporary spending bills to pass. Dr. Janet Yellen was nominated by Obama as chair of the Board of the Federal Reserve in October. She was the first woman to ever be nominated for the position.Works Citedâ€Å"Affordable Care Act (2010).† Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History, edited by Thomas Riggs, 2nd ed., vol. 1, Gale, 2015, pp. 10-12.Biography In Context, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/CX3611000019/BIC?u=mlin_c_gibbons;sid=BIC;xid=0294951f. Accessed 3 May 2018.†Barack Obama.† Contemporary Black Biography, vol. 74, Gale, 2009.Biography In Context, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/K1606004418/BIC?u=mlin_c_gibbons;sid=BIC;xid=88f4b098. Accessed 3 May 2018.Devaney, Sherri, and Mark Devaney. Barack Obama(JB). MI, Lucent, 2007.Freeman, Richard, et al. â€Å"Barack Obama.† Paywizard.org, 2018, paywizard.org/main/salary/vip-check/barack-obama. Accessed 3 May 2018.†Kathleen Sebelius.† Newsmakers, vol. 4, Gale, 2008.Biography In Context, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/K 1618004793/BIC?u=mlin_c_gibbons;sid=BIC;xid=3b18062b. Accessed 3 May 2018.†Michelle Obama.† Contemporary Black Biography, vol. 61, Gale, 2007.Biography In Context, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/K1606003703/BIC?u=mlin_c_gibbons;sid=BIC;xid=bdb31a03. Accessed 3 May 2018.Nardo, Don. Barack Obama. Minneapolis, Compass Point Books, 2010.â€Å"President Map.† The New York Times, New York Times, 29 Nov. 2012, www.nytimes.com/elections/2012/results/president.html. Accessed 3 May 2018.Williams, Joel, et al., editors.â€Å"Barack Obama: Vetoed Legislation.† Ballotpedia, www.nytimes.com/elections/2012/results/president.html. Accessed 3 May 2018.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thailand essays

Thailand essays Pratet Thai, (Kingdom of Thailand), is one of if not the most beautiful countries in Asia. It has a vast and colorful history. Thailand has some of the greatest architectural masterpieces in the world. Some of the greatest styles of martial arts also come from Thailand. There are many different aspects of this magnificent country. Thailand is located in southern Asia and it borders Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, and Myanmar (Burma). There are four major types of land. In the north are towering mountains. In the Northeast is a rolling landscape of plateaus and is sometimes plagued by drought. In the center of Thailand are very fertile plains, the perfect atmosphere for growing rice. And finally in the south is the dense tropical rain forest. Thailand has a very tropical climate with three informal seasons: cool, hot, and rainy. Almost all of Thailand with exception of the mountain region is very humid. Temperatures range from 8 degrees Celsius at night to a scorching 38 degrees Celsius or higher in the day during the hottest months. The countries rich soil and abundant water supply provide ideal conditions for growing rice. Thailand produces plenty of rice for it's people and has enough left over to be the worlds largest exporter of it. In addition to the rice fields, Thailand has an abundance of Mulberry trees, necessary for producing silk. Also in the south grow Rubber trees vital for the economy. Other crops produce a variety of tropical fruits including pineapples, oranges, grapes, melons, mangoes, papayas, and bananas. In addition to the preceding fruit widely known in the United States, they also grow fruits that are very rarely found here in the states except for in a few Asian markets. These fruits are lansata, rambutans, tamarinds, longans, mangosteens, jackfruits, durian, and sapodillas. Thailand habitats include animals and plants that can be found nowhere else in the world. This country, about the size of France, ha...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Relative Error Definition (Science)

Relative Error Definition (Science) Relative error is a measure of the uncertainty of measurement compared to the size of the measurement. Its used to put error into perspective. For example, an error of 1 cm would be a lot if the total length is 15 cm, but insignificant if the length was 5 km. Relative error is also known as relative uncertainty or approximation error. Reasons for Relative Error Relative error compares a measurement to an exact value. The two reasons for this error are: Using an approximation instead of real data (e.g., 22/7 or 3.14 instead of pi or rounding 2/3 to 0.67)Imprecise measurement due to instrumentation (e.g., a ruler measuring to the nearest millimeter) Relative Error Versus Absolute Error Absolute error is another measure of uncertainty. The formulas for absolute and relative error are: EA | V - Vapprox | ER | 1 - (Vapprox / V) | Percent error is then: EP | (V - Vapprox) / V | x 100% Relative Error Example Three weights are measured at 5.05 g, 5.00 g, and 4.95 g. The absolute error is  ± 0.05 g.The relative error is 0.05 g/5.00 g 0.01 or 1%. Sources Golub, Gene; Charles F. Van Loan (1996). Matrix Computations – Third Edition. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 53. ISBN 0-8018-5413-X.Helfrick, Albert D. (2005) Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques. p. 16. ISBN 81-297-0731-4

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Supply chain management of Cadburys Milk Chocolate Assignment

Supply chain management of Cadburys Milk Chocolate - Assignment Example Behind every one of these products is a Supply Chain, sometimes highly complex with flow of materials across numerous continents and some relatively simple. Besides, the divine Chocolate was set up by cocoa farmers with the aim of improving their sustainability and equity in the chocolate supply chain. In the process of production, the company invests in farmers is miniature compared to big players. Nonetheless, all the investments are substantial as part of its chocolate sales. This paper undertakes to provide an analysis of the of the end to end supply chain of Cadbury milk chocolate. This is done through highlighting on numerous issues such as the role of logistics, supply chain management, among others. Slack (2009, pp. 57) asserts that it is important to note that in answering to public call; most chocolate firms have decided to work on developing their supply through joining initiatives that insists on addressing several social issues. Some of the issues that such companies mus t address are under development, poverty, among others. These are some of the issues that push for the perpetuation of child labor in the supply chain of cocoa (Booth, 2010, pp. 23). The companies have also decided to focus on developing a more suitable, sustainable and equitable cocoa supply chain. The best supply chain will ensure that all the issues both for small and big players are solved through integration of a multi-stakeholder stratagem to address both social and environmental issues. Ideally, a sustainable cocoa supply chain will ensure that the partakers are treated with utmost respect and remunerated with better income. The partakers include those taking part in cultivation, harvesting, and processing of cocoa in the companies. The reasons why they must be given something they will support their livelihood is because it will aid in avoiding cases of child labor in the supply chain management. Logistics and Supply Chain According to Murphy and Wood (2010, pp.56) every org anization is always faced with the duty of moving materials. In the chain, there are manufacturers who their companies engage in the process of collection of raw materials. The raw materials come from the suppliers and delivered as finished goods to the consumers. Retails shops get the goods they sell from wholesalers. This can be compared to the television news service that collects reports from all over the globe and delivers them to their viewers. Most people stay in towns without knowing the process that food industries go through before they deliver a finished product to the consumers. It is important to note that at times, goods may go through a broader chain of supply before it reaches its destiny. This kind of movement is facilitated through logistics. In that regard, it is noteworthy that logistics facilitates all the aspects of movement and storage of materials on their journey from original supplier finally to the consumers (Christopher, 2010: 23). On an international sca le, an enormous effort is required for logistics. For instance countries like China